Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Recap of 2010

January started off a little rocky as I decided to have an emotional breakdown the very first day of the New Year. It got better in February as my bestest friend had little Hadley who is such a cute baby. Then things went a little haywire in March as I managed to dislocate my knee. Thus began a very long recovery process but I did get to live with my Grama for 3 months. This meant someone washed my clothes, cooked me dinner and made my lunch. It was super nice. In April, I went on a date (gasp). Unfortunately, it was a one date kind of thing but in good news I was the one who got to determine that. :) May brought the end of the school year and I moved back to my own apartment. June was really crazy as I went on a super fun cruise with Christina, Hope and Hope's Mom. Then our principal got fired and a new one was hired. In July, my Mom moved to California so I got to help her drive from Oregon to Cali, it was nice to get to see my Mom and brother. Dad also flew to Columbia and got remarried, the jury's still out on this one. My In August, I went back to California to help my mom turn 50 then the school year began again. Becky also got remarried and I still haven't met the guy. September I turned 29 just one step closer to 30. Oh No! October was marked with a character costume parade in which I got to be Raggedy Anne and then a road trip with Christina to meet her relatives on her Dad's side. November was full of a lot of knee issues. I dislocated my knee again and had surgery the day before Thanksgiving, but it got my mom and brother to come down for Thanksgiving. December was full of standardized testing, gimping around with a brace, traveling to California and presents. :) That was 2010. Welcome 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Um you forgot the super fun karaoke party where we sang songs like we did in middle school!!!! :D

